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The Guild of Our Lady of Good Counsel

A Charity which supports The Good Counsel Network

Registered Charity no. 1096617


The Guild is a charity which provides support and help to women in difficult pregnancies by supporting free advisory centres, milk, nappies, food vouchers, baby clothes, baby goods, even housing when necessary to prevent homelessness and a whole range of basic services which allow women in severe debt and those who are not eligible for benefit (yes there are many of these, even pregnant women and those with babies*) to receive the basic minimum they need to survive with their children.

The Guild also provides links to a variety of other services through the work it supports to assist women and their families to find the legal services, benefit advice, social services support, refugee services support, medical help, employment or training which they may need. The Guild provides thousands of pounds worth of help to hundreds of Mothers and expectant Mothers in the most destitute situations each year.

The Guild financially supports Counselling Sessions for Men and Women who are suffering after an abortion .

The work of the Guild is a labour of love and the volunteers and staff of the Guild forge real and lasting friendships with the women and families that we are very proud to serve.

The Guild encourages Catholics and others who are interested interested to study the teachings of the Catholic Church and has a particular focus on the Church’s teachings on Life Issues and Sexuality

[See our Links to some really good Catholic and/or pro-life sites].


* Examples of those who may receive no/reduced benefits or housing rights include but are not limited to; British Citizens in severe debt, foreign students, foreign workers when they have to take leave due to birth of their baby, asylum seekers and refugees whose application has not yet been completed or submitted to the Home Office.

Want to know more about The Guild of Our Lady of Good Counsel? see

Want to donate to the Guild? Click here . If you can Gift Aid your Donation please make it payable to The Guild of Our Lady of Good Counsel.

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