The Good Counsel Network
Mediating the Mission of Motherhood
P.O. Box 46679, London NW9 8ZT
Tel. 020-7723-1740

The Good Counsel Network holds three daily, peaceful Prayer Vigils near London abortion 'clinics'
What do our vigils consist of?
A vigil is a prayerful presence near abortion clinics. While one designated person offers help to women coming for an abortion, all the others attending remain in constant prayer for the women, their children, the abortuary staff and the other people involved in her decision. Join us today so that no woman goes through an abortion at this place without an offer of help and without prayer being offered for her and her child. If you are sick, housebound or cannot attend between these hours, please pray and/or fast for the success of the vigil.
All vigil volunteers are required to sign a statement of peace stating that they will behave in a non aggressive and non violent manner outside the abortion centres. Please view that statement here.
Whitfield Street, Central London
We run a vigil outside the re-opened Marie Stopes abortion clinic on Whitfield Street in Central London.
For more information please contact us
West London
We also run a vigil near Marie Stopes West London Centre, 87 Mattock Lane, Ealing, London, W5 5BJ from 8am-4pm Monday to Friday every week. Due to the Ealing council 'buffer zone', we are currently standing about 100 yards down the road, so call us if you plan to attend.
There is also a vigil on Saturdays from 8am until 12noon run by The Helpers of God's Precious Infants. For history of this abortion 'clinic' with the St Michael plaque on its wall, please see the blog entry here.

South London
We run a vigil outside the Marie Stopes South London Centre in Brixton during the week. We stand across the road outside 110 Brixton Hill. It is about 10 minutes from Brixton Station.
For more information please contact us.

Other Vigils
The Good Counsel Network works in unity with The Helpers of God's Precious Infants and with the 40 Days for Life Campaign. For details of other abortuary vigils please see these sites or phone the Helpers on 01727 763832 or 40 Days on 07947698195.