The Good Counsel Network
Mediating the Mission of Motherhood
P.O. Box 46679, London NW9 8ZT
Tel. 020-7723-1740

If you are going through an Unplanned Pregnancy that is causing you stress we can:
1. Help you find the positives in a situation which can seem overwhelmingly difficult and negative
2. Provide real friendship and ongoing moral support to you during your pregnancy and afterwards
3. Keep a roof over your head while you're pregnant and once your child is born
4. Help financially, while helping you to make a good plan for the future
5. Make sure you have all the baby items you need
6. Help you to continue your studies or your job
7. Help you tell parents / boyfriend / husband / friends / others about your pregnancy - or help you to hide your pregnancy
8. Help you even if you do not have papers or have overstayed in the UK, including finding good legal help
9. Provide contact with other Mums-to-be and new Mums who have gone through what you are going through
10. Help you to reclaim your life, your future and your independence when everything seems to be out of control

If you or someone you know is pregnant and in trouble today, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. We don't want you to feel alone and unsupported.
An unplanned pregnancy may cause you to isolate yourself from others while you try to piece together your solution.
Experience has shown us that either loneliness, or the company of those who see your pregnancy as a "mistake", can cause severe depression, fear and panic, or an overwhelming sense of helplessness.
Not what you need while making one of the biggest decisions you can face.
While we are a Pro-Life Centre, we cannot make your decision for you - you always have your own freedom to act according to your conscience - we attempt to provide positive alternatives to abortion so that you can feel that you really do have a choice - other than abortion- and that you can feel sure that in keeping your baby you will not be destroying your future.
We aim to give you the freedom and the necessary support to make a choice which is right and which allows you and your child's lives to be treated with respect and the dignity you both deserve.
The help we provide is tailored to each person's individual needs and may include any of the following:
Accommodation, financial help, moral support, ongoing advice, advice with parents or boyfriend/spouse, planning for the future, regular group meeting for encouragement, maternity clothes, baby goods, milk and nappies or other help as appropriate
You can read the stories of some of the mothers and the children we have helped here Mothers Stories